The debate…

I am going to try and watch without retching like a jackal the whole time. Anyone finds a good feed.. Send me a link

15 responses to “The debate…

  1. billstanley1d2744aff9

    Well, you could just do what I’ve always done with these dog and pony shows… watch a movie or go play music somewhere and not waste time on a “debate” and then the next morning let Dan Bongino (or in the old days, Rush Limbaugh) explain what happened and give you the highlights.

    It’s not a solution for everyone, but one that works for me. I have little patience for fools like CNN’s “moderators” or the lying POS Biden.


  2. I have regular cable so watching shouldn’t be a problem. However, if you search for 2024 Presidential Debates Live Stream you should come up with several possibilities. CNN itself will probably be live streaming in addition to its regular cable broadcast.


    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’ve never watched a debate, going back to 1976. High snooze factor. I’ll read the after-action reports


  4. Trump lost the debate to Biden last time because he couldn’t keep his mouth shut.

    It’s all theater.


  5. Don't mind me.

    Don’t waste your time. It’s all scripted bullshit.


  6. I’ll follow my usual old fart routine. Go to bed at 8 PM read myself to sleep before 9 PM. Then I’ll get up at 5 AM on Friday prepared to hear hours of the MSM after action report on how Ray Ban Joe destroyed the orange felon.

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    • Thankfully that didn’t and won’t happen. Even the Communist News Networks political reporters are saying it was a shit show and Bribem is toast.

      Some Demonrat pundits are calling for the 25th Amendment. That probably won’t happen either. The party will quietly limp along, like the have been, until the convention when someone else will be nominated. Senator pant suit and Hair Ball Nuisance are the current top contenders.

      I’d like to see Senator Pant Suit get the nomination, so Trump can beat her like a drum AGAIN.

      I liked the part last night when Trump called Bribem a criminal. I thought Bribem was going to explode. In fact if that had been 4 years ago, Bribem would have challenged Trump to “step outside”.


      Liked by 1 person

  7. I nearly put the truck in a ditch earlier…

    Overheard on the top of the hour radio blurb while driving, I heard Faux Nooz invoke Reagan’s eleventh commandment to say nothing adverse about your fellow party members journalists.

    “Jake Tapper & Dana Bash who’ve had a long record of slamming Donalld Trump will both put aside their dislike tonight to moderate the debate and focus on the issues.”

    No, they won’t.

    There are no black hats or white hats in the MSM. It is one entity and they cannot be hated enough.

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  8. What’s the over/under on the magical cocktail they’re giving Biden tonight to stay coherent causing an aneurism and killing him on live TV? You’d think they would reserve that for later in the cycle so they can promote someone at the last second.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. it’ll be like watching a NASCAR race. You don’t watch for the finish, you watch for the catastrophic wrecks.


  10. Hmmmmm……

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  11. wracinge8d1838a20

    I figure that cnn will have a 2 minute delay , so they can do some AI stuff if pedo joe falls apart.

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