“Don’t fire unless fired upon, but if they want to have a war,—let it begin here.”

The Legend Of Betsy Ross And The History Of The American Flag

These are the times that measure us as Men; They try not only our faith, but also our very being as individuals. There is no easy out in this game and to pretend that there is, is to be deluded; for the hard choices have been thrust upon us. Fate and the games of power have conspired to place these choices at our feet , whether we like it or not. We have a stark decision before us, and must decide our own fate and live or die by our own hand. On one hand is the seductive lie of communism, clothed in the silken garb of socialism and promising everything to everyone. That tired dream of communism that caused over 200 million deaths in the 20th century. Or we can choose liberty , that elixir of the free soul . Freedom and the American way , family, religion and tradition. We can choose to be free men and damn the choices of the elites; Damn their courts, damn their laws and damn them, damn them all to hell. We can choose to live as our fore bearers chose; In a free society without the undue encumbrances of an overbearing government ; free men in a free society. We can choose to live without the boot of tyranny and the oppression of bureaucracy . Or we can submit and in doing so give up the greatest ambition ever achieved by mankind. We can submit and throw away the only free society ever put on the face of this earth. We can give up the dreams that were birthed in rebellion and battlefields. Dreams that were seen through fading sight on bloodied greens, in life’s last twilight, fought for but not realized.. We can take all the freedoms fought for and died for and give them up, give them all away…. Or we can fight. We can fight like men who’s liberty depends upon it. Fight like men fighting for their country, their sacred right and their progeny. Fight like free men, fighting tyranny and evil and flying the flag of righteousness. We can fight, or by God die trying.

4 responses to ““Don’t fire unless fired upon, but if they want to have a war,—let it begin here.”

  1. This link is for a story about General Flynn’s confirmation of the raid on the CIA’s server farm in Frankfurt, Germany. There is conjecture, and wishful thinking, about the arrests of Deep State actors to follow, many comments too. https://gumshoenews.com/2020/12/06/what-comes-after-the-frankfurt-affair-plan-a-happiness/


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