NAACP sues to make Confederate names on public buildings illegal

A Virginia school district was sued this week after it restored Confederate military names for two buildings, foreshadowing a broader battle that is heating up ahead of the election.

The Virginia NAACP sued the school board in Shenandoah County after it voted to change Mountain View High School to Stonewall Jackson High School and Honey Run Elementary back to Ashby Lee Elementary.  

The NAACP argues in its federal lawsuit that students’ constitutional rights were violated by the district’s act of reverting back to Confederate names. It invoked the First Amendment and 14th Amendment in its lawsuit, saying it “prohibits racial discrimination in state-supported institutions.” 

”By celebrating the memory of these traitors every time a child walked through the school doors, by embracing the cold wind of intolerance and division and insensitivity, the Shenandoah County School Board has resurrected the ghosts of the Jim Crow era,” NAACP Virginia State Conference President Cozy Bailey said.

7 responses to “NAACP sues to make Confederate names on public buildings illegal

  1. My HS was one of the first names changed by leftist. I would love to see it reversed. J.E.B. Stuart H.S. in Falls Church VA.

    Class of 1976 Proud Stuart Raider!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Don't mind me.

    It’s time to join the NAAWP.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. suppressed history will come back and haunt you in the future.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. My school is called, Dixie Hollins” class of 79. Our school song was, Away in Dixie, and they wore confederate uniforms. We never thought any thing of it. Back in 78 the aggregators from South St. Pete encouraged the student to riot us. When they got off the bus resulting in the death and many injuries. My class we bailed out the windows, and ran for our lives. This did not fair well for the blacks they did not get their way through violence. All scholarships and activity’s were suspended for four years.

    The name Dixie is the name of the former school superintendent. I know his son also named Dixie, I guess there will be a court order to change his family name soon.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Opps, just checked out Dixie, they dropped his name and changed the colors and song and are liberal douche bags. That was already a progressive school. Give an inch and they’ll consume your soul.


  6. Can hardly wait until they tear down the MLK statues and rename MLK Blvd.

    NAACP really does want a race war. Either that, or they think they are more powerful and important than they really are.


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