
Is this why they are shutting the water off?

6 responses to “Is this why they are shutting the water off?

  1. 200 politicians have invested in a new lithium mine in Idaho. They need to drive out the farmers before they can buy the land for the mine. So they turn off the water and kill your farms.


  2. I practiced tolerance and empathy for over 40 years for the faggots, the drug addicted “homeless”and all the other wanna be victims, and now the agenda is abundantly clear.

    They can all pack up their fairy bags and meth and fentanyl, and all your democratic dyke shit and get the hell out of Florida also.

    My thoughts on international sodomite month.

    The one true thing is your not safe here, you’ve come after our children.

    P.S., take your useless fucking indoctrinater’s with you also.

    Done with the fake narrative.


    • Your former attitude of tolerance of wickedness has been a very large part of the problem. Indeed, I argue it is the problem. Absent such complicity, er, ‘tolerance’, the wicked would not have progressed as it has.

      That you have wakened and have publicly acknowledged the same is to be commended. For that I seriously applaud you. I reckon the best you can do from here on is to cry out to everyone who holds that same ‘tolerance’ to show them the error of their false belief.

      Fortify yourself to withstand the attacks upon your character and your person as you go forth to proclaim the truth of the matter. Wickedness knows no end. It is never satisfied. Always it wants more. The battle is spiritual. Truth is the weapon.

      My words may seem hard, even needlessly offensive. That is not my intention. It is that wickedness is so very offensive, so durable, wide and deep, that the battle must be fiercely fought. Nothing light or transient about it.


  3. the water is being shut off so they can bankrupt the farmers, then bill gates will purchase the land for cheap


  4. Follow the money. That will tell you who is behind this and why.


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