
Did they say that out loud?

11 responses to “Did they say that out loud?

  1. Can you imagine a Battalion of female grunts with sycronized PMS


  2. Can you imagine a Battalion of female grunts with sycronized PMS

    Liked by 1 person

  3. And just like that boots will be on the ground like the tanks we weren’t gonna send….

    Biden (3/11/22): “The idea that we’re going to send tanks to Ukraine, that’s called world war three”.

    Biden (1/25/23): “today I’m announcing that the United States will be sending Abrams tanks to Ukraine”.

    This will not end well

    Bonus: Vice President Kamala Harris announces over $1.5 billion to bolster Ukraine’s energy sector, address humanitarian needs, and strengthen civilian security.

    How about OUR needs and OUR energy grid and OUR civilian (and border) security?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. How about OUR needs and OUR energy grid and OUR civilian (and border) security?

    Homophobe! Xenophobe! Bigot!

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    • Just to clear this up at my possible misunderstanding. Are you calling Nemo a homophobic…..? We’re all feeling a little sarcastic these days. I have been on this site since its inception, and have always found Nemo a kind voice of reason.


  5. They shut down Marine Corps Tanks then gave them to the Ukraine.


  6. I espoused this back about a year ago when they changed the language to “person(s)”. I will be the first to load all the tattooed, pierced faced, rainbow-ed hair, dykes…..on the planes.

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  7. Oh, and any dumb bitch that votes democrat.

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