
Why do they always have to single Me out?

3 responses to “Why do they always have to single Me out?

  1. We had a serial toilet killer at work, I would swear his asshole was located on the middle of his back to judge from the spray pattern on the stall wall. Either that or he stood on the toilet and bent over double.

    Several people went all tactical trying to figure out who it was. Odds were on some construction workers who would sneak in to take a dump in the A/C. Boy were we wrong. Skinny ass vegan MF who always talked about eating healthy.

    Dude, if your body is trying that hard to expel waste, then your diet is NOT HEALTHY. Jesus.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. My business had all males working there, they thought of themselves to good to clean up after themselves, so I placed a sign that read.

    “If caught leaving a mess on the toilet, you will be humiliated to the fullest extent.”

    I dared them with, I’ll sit outside that door until everyone of you leave.

    That meant fired. I really learned how to swear like a sailor working there. I never new men could be such low life pigs. The ultimate of disrespect.


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