6 responses to “FAFO

  1. F*cked up. DotGov will deny any knowledge whether they were involved or not.


  2. William Walker could not be reached for comment.


  3. I hope they put their fucking heads on pikes. This is why we are hated world wide. How about an effort in getting us GIs out of Niger. Hell no, let’s start another government for profit war.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I guess it really shouldn’t, but it blows me away that with all the things the gov’t of FUSA already has going down the shitter, they would attempt to foment yet another mess they are not prepared to see through in a hellhole that is of no legitimate strategic interest. If these guys are CIA, contractors for same (or whoever they were working for) and they end up dead, that’s a real shame. They get what they fookin’ deserve for doing this sort of dirty work when the empire paying them is in terminal decline and can no longer manage a “successful” operation, much less an extraction from a failed one.

    It will become more obvious as we (America) circle the drain that doing sneaky stuff abroad on behalf of the empire is a very bad gig, if you want to stay alive. We already know the fedgov has no compunction about abandoning inconvenient assets in the field and letting them twist in the wind. These guys will be no exception, as they’ll come to find out, if they haven’t already.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I would have thought that the CIA would have done a better job. They usually do.


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