When the SHTF it really helps to have a good woman by your side

On The Eve Of Revolution; A Letter From My Wife

My beloved I shall be with you, for I am the daughter of many who came here for this sweet privilege known as freedom. I love you. I feel safe with you as my husband. If need be my blood will mingle with yours in protecting the future of this nation. Never kneel nor bend for one extra second of my life; For if that day comes I am complicit in all that you do.So I say I was proud to have loved a man who loved his nation as much as he loved his wife. Your beloved wife

3 responses to “When the SHTF it really helps to have a good woman by your side

  1. Wow. I wish I were so blessed…


  2. The key is in knowing you have a blessing when you have it


  3. Reblogged this on Specter6 and commented:
    My wife is a lot like this!


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